sansui sm-320m

The 320M model was one of a series of tube amplifiers that Sansui launched at the beginning of the 1960s. They were characterized by a very similar design and common electronic solutions. This model was preceded by the SM-32 and was very similar to the SAX-200. The front of the receiver was a thin, painted metal plate with prints. Plastic knobs. The whole thing looked very stylish.
The SM-320M model had several distinctive features:
  •     the possibility of working in a stereo-multicast or MPX system - it was one of the first models to be equipped with an MPX decoder, but it was the beginning of such designs and the design was not particularly successful. The receiver also did not have an MPX signal indicator,
  • double magic eye 6GE12 - a lamp which is a Japanese design without an equivalent produced abroad. It was like 6E5S doubled in one bubble. It was used to show the level of two signals in stereo multicast operation,
  •     preamplifier with treble / bass control circuits on the ECC85 tube. The only such solution used only by Sansui and only in a few products,
  •    correction preamplifier for amplifying signals from a magnetoelectric turntable and a microphone based on four germanium transistors 2SB51,
  •     output to loudspeakers / columns with a resistance of 8/16/32 ohms.

The power amplifier worked in a Push & Pull configuration with ECL82 tubes. It was a very budget solution, but with good transformers, these lamps are able to give a lot. And this can be heard in the SM-320m. The manufacturer gave the maximum (music) power of 2 x 16 W.


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