Olson electronics, inc.

Based in Akron, Ohio, the mail order company was founded by brothers Irving, Sidney, and Philip Olson in 1927 as Olson Radio. The company had also a network of small retail stores scattered throughout the United States, and their offer was often cheaper than competitors because, for example, catalogs were printed on newsprint to be cheaper (unfortunately, this means that they survived even though the circulation reached a million copies).
In addition to developing its own line of sets that were largely related to radio and audio, the company sold audio and other electronic products under its own name, including turntables, amplifiers, tuners, etc. Olson Electronics was acquired in the second half of the 1960s by Teledyne . Unfortunately, interest in Olson's products has declined with the miniaturization of electronics, and increasing consumer purchasing power has meant that the sets have fallen out of favor. The computer boom of the late '70s and early' 80s became the nail in the company's coffin as people who were enthusiasts of electronics and amateur radio a few years earlier began to spend their time and money on computers. The company withdrew from activity in the early / mid 1980's. Existing companies with the name "Olson" have no relationship whatsoever with that of the Olson brothers.

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